Tent Ministry Outreaches

Hi Everybody,

Global Activation and Mobilization Network wants to start their outreaches. With the outreaches, they want to activate and mobilize the church to fulfill the great commission as Christ instructed us to.

The immediate plan is to embark on a tent-ministry, that will partly be a practical training program that enables the Bible School to reach the online students in their home-towns and also the general public. It will also be utilized as a marketing strategy with the purpose of making the peoples of South Africa aware of the services and equipping programs of the ministry. It will also be a tool to raise the necessary funds to proceed with the building and implementation of the different facilities and programs.

The courses and practical training sessions provide students with the skills to fulfill the great commission as Christ instructed the church. How to plant house churches, Prophetic School, Dreams and visions Interpretation, The Gifts of the Spirit, Powerful Ministry (Casting out devils, healing the sick, raising the dead, praying for baptism in the Holy Spirit)

How can you help us?

Please donate the equipment that we need to embark on this strategy to advance the kingdom of God.

We need a 500 seat tent, 500 chairs, a small sound system, lights, a few other small accessories and a laptop for praise and worship.

Your donation is greatly appreciated! Contact ASR Martins on the Contact Us page for more information or click on the link below:

More Info

So, what is this network all about?

How we can help you?

Global Activation and Mobilization network marketing video

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