Launch: Global Activation Network

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This network is an answer to a call from God to activate and mobilize the Church to fulfill the Great Commission. It seeks to activate and mobilize the church to reach the lost, the unsaved, the broken and the unredeemed so that they may be restored in the purpose, the love and the truth of a loving and living eternal God, He who is the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Our motto is Docete Omnes Gentes, which means Teaching the Nations. This is the fulfillment of the command given by Jesus to teach all nations of His Kingdom, His Truth, His sacrifice, and the reality of the Gospel. And to teach implies discipleship, as demonstrated by Jesus when He discipled the 12, for these 12 were then activated and mobilized to serve the Lord and the Kingdom.

Who can be part of this network? Any church or small ministry or small group or mature disciple/spiritual leader who is truly interested in Kingdom-driven discipleship, in order to activate the members of the Body of Christ, thus to see such members mobilized in every town and city and nation in this world. This is not a movement or an idea driven by a denomination, but this is to reach the Church to become actively involved in going into the world to show and tell people that Jesus is real and alive. Interested? Hope so! And how will be Network aim to achieve its purpose and goal? Through discipleship. Jesus gave us the blueprint for discipleship. He took 12 and trained them. For three and half years He equipped, empowered, and trained followers to be disciples in order to eventually make other disciples. This is the simple blueprint of mentoring and multiplication.

How will this be done? The primary focus has to be on small groups and house churches. Acts 2 is a clear example of how the disciples, directly after Pentecost, would meet in houses, sharing Communion, and they would constantly be encouraging each other, caring and edifying through Word. The disciples who initiated these small gatherings did not follow their own programs or agendas, neither did they start a movement or a religion or a denomination.

It is therefore envisioned and endeavored that spiritual leaders or mature disciples would be identified as Team Leaders. They would be assessed, trained, and empowered to be able to start and run small groups/house churches. They would then while being mentored and constantly edified, be responsible within such an environment to equip, activate, and mobilize those within the Body of Christ. This will be done primarily through discipleship. Team Leaders will also be responsible to identify potential team members, someone who can be trained and equipped who can run his or her own small group/house church. And so the process continues of activation and mobilizing, all the while discipling and training. This then leads to a process of multiplication, where God’s Kingdom is duplicated and replicated.

See also
Registration and Equipping Process

Although the Global Activation and Mobilization Network is focused on planting and maintaining house churches, assisting the institutional church is just as important. We provide resources, we work together with local churches during outreaches and we will have facilities available in the future where church camps, equipping conferences, and equipping courses will be hosted by the GCR Support Team.

Want more information? Then visit the Great Commission Resources. Click on the Activation Team Resources Map tab, where you find a form to register if you are interested. Also, visit Want To Become a Team Leader to take note of what process will be followed in order to qualify as a team leader. The site also contains plenty of training resources to equip Team Leaders or anyone interested in the activation and mobilization as the Church. Resources will constantly be added. You can also learn more about the Great Commission Resources Support Team on the website.

GCR Support Team

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Global Activation and Mobilization network marketing video

So, what is this network all about?

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