Study Materials

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Hi there Team Leaders and Team Members,

To make it easy for you to find and identify the officially prescribed material that you need to cover, we have created the “Study Materials” page:

This page includes all the materials that you need to cover so that you can receive your official Team Leader or Team Member Certificate and identification Badge.

These materials are mandatory and have assignments at the bottom which must be completed and submitted. These resources can also be located under the “Courses” category.

Those Team Members that have covered all the mandatory materials and who have completed all the assignments will receive a Certificate and their Membership Identification Badge and they will enjoy preference when new activation and equipping outreaches are held.

Team Members who do not officially cover all the mandatory materials and who do not complete the assignments will be on the Activation Teams Resources Map and they will be utilized during outreaches. However, they will not receive the official Team Leader or Team Member Certificate and Membership Identification Badge on completion of the courses. Team Leaders and Team Members in their areas who have received their Certificates and Badges will enjoy preference.

Please take note that apart from the mandatory study materials, we have also included materials that must be read so that you can be kept updated with changes, special arrangements, and materials that you need to take note of. These materials can also be located under the “House Churches” category.

Just a reminder, the materials under the Church Expansion Program are not suitable for house churches and should not be covered by the GCR Activation Teams. It was exclusively made available to the organized church to help them cope with the negative impact and financial consequences caused by COVID-19.

GCR Support Team

Mandatory Study Materials
Important Reading Materials
See also
Prophets Of Identity

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