Global Activation and Mobilization Network
21 May 2021
Global Activation & Mobilization Network NPC
Farm: Hartbeesfontein
1. Executive Summary
Global Activation and Mobilization Network is a faith-based non-profit company based in Hartbeesfontein, South Africa. The ministry is also known as the Great Commission Activation and Mobilization Network The company is managed by a board of directors and a CEO. It is supported by different ministries who have decided to put all their resources together and to streamline the work of the ministry and their efforts to equip all peoples of the world to fulfill the great commission as Christ instructed.
The core purpose and vision of the Great Commission Activation and Mobilization Network are to equip, activate, and mobilize as many people as possible to carry out the great commission. To appoint people as Activation and Mobilization Teams, ready and available to equip and disciple others and to plant new churches in their communities. The vision is also to help the church to expand their church congregations by implementing an effective and successful evangelism program and to help the house church communities to plant and maintain proper Biblical-based house churches. We are standing for the whole church of God and therefore we supply and provide resources and personal assistance to all churches.
The Company already consists of the following: An online Bible College (founded by Joshua Baker and provided by Strategic Misions). A special website that contains equipping resources and gives access to practical training that forms the foundation for appointing special Activation and Mobilization Teams with Team Leaders: Great Commission Resources
Accredited Certificates and Bachelor’s degrees are issued on completion of the courses.
The company is on the brink of making all the resources accessible through a physical Discipleship Bible School on a farm in Hartbeesfontein, South Africa. The existing facilities will be utilized and additional facilities will be built:
The Great Commission Activation and Mobilization Network will officially occupy the farm on 1 March 2022.
As part of a preparation phase, the GCR Support Team will plant a “discipleship equipping church model” (congregation) on the farm. It will not be a normal church but a training and equipping-based congregation which will lay the foundation for the rest of the project to be implemented. The Directors will carry out the groundwork to ensure a successful launch on 1 March 2022.
Planned Phases:
Phase 1: The GCR Support Team to get familiar and acquainted with all existing activities on the farm and to investigate the possibilities of expansion and potential farming possibilities.
Phase 2: Student accommodation: As soon as the farm is purchased, which may be before we officially occupy the facilities on 1 March 2022, additional accommodation is to be built to expand the number of students from 100 to 300. This includes the expansion of other facilities like bathrooms and the existing kitchen.
Deliverance facility: 10 rooms with bathrooms and other facilities, a lounge, and an office.
Office block: Ten offices.
Prayer rooms: Five rooms that can be used by anyone on the farm to pray.
Camping area: Preparing and equipping of a camping area (tents) (water points, power points, and braai facilities), additional bathrooms (ablution block), washing facilities, and shared kitchen as well as two lecture halls. The camping facilities will be used for presenting courses and conferences and equipping sessions like prophetic schools, marriage counseling, deliverance training courses, and other special courses.
Phase 3: (On 1 March 2022) Starting a vegetable farm on a huge scale to supply food to the students and the staff and to generate an additional income for the Ministry.
Phase 4: As soon as the Bible School is in operation, a Tuck Shop with fast foods, sweets, cold drinks as well as stationary and books will be opened.
General Information
The tent-ministry(s) is a special tool or strategy that will be utilized to generate additional income and to make the world aware of our services. It will also be a practical training program that enables the Bible School to reach the online students in their hometowns and also the general public. It will be utilized as a marketing strategy to make the people of South Africa aware of the services and equipping programs of the ministry through the professional marketing video and the physical equipping sessions.
The courses and practical training sessions provide students with the skills to fulfill the great commission as Christ instructed the church. How to plant and expand churches and congregations, how to plant and maintain house churches, Prophetic School, The Gifts of the Spirit, Powerful Ministry (Casting out devils, healing the sick, raising the dead, praying for baptism in the Holy Spirit). Online students and the general public will receive special training on these aspects during the outreaches as well as on the farm.
Students are also accommodated in ministerial positions as part of the Activation And Mobilization Teams Program. These benefits and services have provided a solution for the shortcomings and lack of equipping resources that hindered authentic church planting for many decades which at the same time, can be utilized, in an adapted form and strategy, by all churches and denominations.
2. Company Description Worksheet
Business Name:
Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC, functioning as the Great Commission Activation and Mobilization Network
Company Mission Statement:
Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC is a global network that equips, activates, and mobilizes the church to fulfill the great commission.
Company Philosophy/Values:
We believe that teaching the nations is the fulfillment of the command given by Jesus Christ. To teach all nations of the kingdom of God, the Biblical truths of God and his kingdom, the sacrifice of Christ, and the reality of the Gospel of Christ. Teaching implies discipleship and building New Testament-based house church communities.
Company Vision:
Our vision is to equip, activate, and mobilize as many people as possible to carry out the great commission as Jesus Christ intended it to be done. To appoint them as GCR Activation and Mobilization Teams, ready and available to equip and disciple others and to plant new house churches in their communities and to help the organized church to expand their church congregations by fulfilling the great commission as Jesus Christ instructed the church.
The following strategies are pursued:
The Church Expansion Program is aimed at helping the organized church leaders to counter the damages caused by COVID-19 and to help them activate a healthy evangelism program in their congregations. Please take note that we have made excellent resources available to the organized church which will be a great help. The Church Expansion Program is a Biblical-based discipleship program that enables pastors and other church leaders to rapidly advance the kingdom of God and to rapidly expand their congregations by implementing a six-step strategy that is completely Biblical and extremely effective. All churches and church leaders are welcome to make use of these FREE resources. Although one division of the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC is focused on equipping, activating, and mobilizing the peoples of this world to plant and maintain house churches, the other division is equally important and that is to work closely with the institutional church to help them fulfill the great commission of Christ as He instructed.
Goals & Milestones:
Equip, activate, and mobilize people all over the world by providing a virtual or online Bible School and a practical equipping and development program, that can be accessed by all peoples across the world.
Equip, activate and mobilize the peoples of South Africa by providing a physical Bible School and a practical equipping and development program.
Equip, activate and mobilize the peoples of the world by expanding the physical Bible School and the practical equipping and development services to areas outside of South Africa by supplying similar facilities in such countries.
To plant and maintain as many churches and house churches as possible all over the world and to help the organized church to fulfill the great commission of Christ.
Target Market:
The Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC’s target market are people all over the world who have an interest in expanding their congregations or house church congregations and who have already decided to embrace the restoration of the Biblical structures that were implemented by Christ.
Traditional Theological Bible Schools and Colleges.
Although we do experience the reality of competition, the distinguishing factor that makes the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC unique is the fact that it is the first and only official Bible School (Lighthouse Discipleship Bible School) that provides official training online, as well as theoretical and practical training on the premises at Hartbeesfontein, South Africa. The practical training is also expanded through a tent ministry that reaches out to all areas in South Africa where the online students and the general public are personally reached in their hometowns.
Scholars who sign up for the Bible School Courses qualify for an accredited first-year certificate, and three-year Bachelor’s degrees, as well as Honors Degrees and Doctors degrees through the Revealed Word Bible College, live campuses, and distance learning programs. The Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC is also the only training facility that provides practical training and ministerial facilities and accommodation opportunities. These benefits will assist the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC to reach and capture a significant portion of the market.
Legal Structure/Ownership:
Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC is a faith-based non-profit company.
The company is managed by a board of directors and a CEO.
As a registered non-profit company, the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC is raising money by activating various crowd-funding campaigns and through a tent ministry which is also a marketing strategy.
Product & Service Description Worksheet
Product/ Service Idea:
Online Training on the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC Website.
Practical Training initiated through the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC Website resulting in students being reached in their hometowns.
Online Training through the Revealed Word Bible College.
Physical training at the Bible School which is located at Hartbeesfontein, South Africa.
A tent ministry, which is part of the physical training strategy, is aimed at practically equipping, activating, and mobilizing people in their hometowns. This includes the house church communities and also the institutional church. This project also serves as a marketing and fund-raising strategy.
Planting and maintaining house churches when practical training sessions or outreaches are carried out. Part of the practical training is to demonstrate how a Biblical-based house church is planted and maintained and part of the practical training is to work together with the institutional church to show them practically how they can adopt similar strategies in their congregations.
A farming project, which is aimed at supplying food and serving as an additional source of income.
A church camp and conference venue will be utilized to present courses and conferences and equipping sessions to churches and people who are not enrolled in the Bible School. This facility and program are aimed at helping the church to fulfill the great commission more effectively and to expand their congregations.
Pricing: The One Year Discipleship Course – Certificate, Diploma, and Bachelor’s degree:
African students: R3000.00 per month (African students are subsidized)
Overseas students: R6000,00 per month
Total: R900,000,00 per month (300 students x R3000.00)
Total per year: R10,800,000.00
Special Benefits:
The Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC is the first and only official training facility that caters to the needs of the house church communities of the world.
Scholars will receive accredited certificates, and Bachelor’s degrees as well as practical training which qualify them as authentic and Biblical-based house church planters. The course provides them with the skills to fulfill the great commission as Christ instructed the church.
Practical training: How to plant house churches, Prophetic School, Dreams and visions Interpretation, The Gifts of the Spirit, Powerful Ministry (Casting out devils, healing the sick, raising the dead, pray for baptism in the Holy Spirit)
They are also accommodated in ministerial positions as part of the GCR Activation And Mobilization Teams Program. These benefits and services have provided a solution for the shortcomings and lack of equipping resources that hindered authentic house church planting for many decades which at the same time, can be utilized, in an adapted form and strategy, by the organized church as well.
Scholars will receive practical training in the following fields: General theoretical training that covers all subjects and aspects of Christianity and the word and will of God, practical training which will enable them to cast out demons, to heal the sick, to lay hands on people to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, to carry out true and Biblical based deliverance, interpreting dreams and visions according to Biblical principles, to operate and function prophetically according to Biblical principles and to plant house churches as Jesus Christ and the disciples did and to expand church congregations.
Unique Features:
There are presently no official equipping and training facilities in the world that provide the same services and training and practical programs that the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC does. This ministry and its partners are leaders in this field and true pioneers. Specialized areas of equipping include the following:
Online Training on the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC Website.
Practical Training through the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC Website by taking part in the practical outreaches arranged and managed from the website.
Online Training through the Revealed Word Bible College and physical training through the Discipleship Bible School for house churches and the church expansion strategy for the organized church at Hartbeesfontein, South Africa.
Practical equipping outreaches through the tent ministry which is a specialized program aimed at putting the theoretical knowledge into practice.
Limits and Liabilities:
The pricing, fees, and subscriptions for services and training at both the physical Discipleship Bible School in the Eastern Cape as well as the online Lighthouse Discipleship Bible School will be monthly subscriptions.
Funds will also be raised through the tent-ministry outreaches, which are also part of the marketing strategy and awareness program of the company.
A local farming project will be implemented which is aimed at supplying food and generating an additional income.
Additional income will also be generated through the existing packing facility on the farm (peanuts and purified water). The possibility to expand this source of income will be explored.
Production and Delivery:
Students and people who sign up for the courses and the practical equipping training can do so online already and they will be able to register at the new campus at Hartbeesfontein in the future.
As a strong foundation, the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC has a base of partners who have made their expertise and resources available to the company. These partners are also represented on the board of directors: Joshua Baker of Strategic Missions, Riaan Engelbrecht of Avishua Ministries, and Basie Martins of ASR Martins Ministries. Together, these partners make the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC unique in the sense that they can provide unique services, which enables the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC to be the sole provider of some of the services and resources that it offers.
The Support Team and Directors
Joshua Baker is the CEO of Strategic Missions where the main focus is on evangelism, humanitarian and social upliftment, and empowerment projects. Schools, colleges, hospitals, clinics, prisons, orphanages, churches, empowerment centers, and rural communities have been impacted by Strategic Missions in ten countries. Churches are assisted to set up campuses and bible colleges. The ministry includes street ministry, missions, and outreaches, reaching out to drug addicts, street people, prostitutes, and others. Strategic Missions’ purpose is to bring the lost to salvation and then start the discipleship process. Joshua and his team work closely with other organizations that have upliftment programs, safe houses, and projects to help people become productive members of society. Joshua can be reached at this link: Strategic Missions
Riaan Engelbrecht is the founder of Avishua Ministries and is also the vice-president of Lighthouse Ministries International, which runs the accredited Lighthouse Discipleship Bible School and Lighthouse Radio. His ministry deals primarily with the prophetic, but he has a deep passion to teach the Truth of the Lord Jesus and His Kingdom for only the Truth of the Lord sets us free (John 8:32). For him, it is all about activating believers in their calling/mandate, which can only be done through discipleship in accordance with the Great Commission. Riaan has been actively involved in the ministry since giving his life to the Lord in 2001 and will continue to endeavor to speak the Truth, declare the Truth, defend the Truth and uphold the Truth of the Lord no matter the cost, and all to the glory of God. For a catalog of books available on Amazon visit Riaan Engelbrecht, Amazon or visit his website Avishua Ministries
Basie Martins is a Christian author and the founder of ASR Martins Ministries. The purpose of ASR Martins Ministries is to provide training in the form of workshops to all churches and to provide training material to the body of Christ which can be accessed online. The workshops are aimed at providing church leaders with the necessary tools to expand their congregations, plant new churches, and develop their congregations. He wrote several books and manuals which form the basis for the workshops that he presents at churches. He is involved with church planting and discipleship training and equipping programs. He envisions enriching the experience of church members, visitors, and new converts in their congregations. ASR Martins training manuals and books are available at your favorite online bookshop and his websites: ASR Martins Ministries
Intellectual Property Special Permits:
The Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC is the first and only company that provides official training and development courses for the house church movement. It is therefore unique and also the only Bible School that issues accredited Certificates, and Bachelor’s degrees on completion of the courses that it offers.
Product/Service Description:
The Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC plants house churches all over the world, they equip people to plant and maintain house churches and they assist the organized church to fulfill the great commission and to expand their congregations. The services and equipping process are carried out through many ways and strategic programs:
Online Training on the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC Website.
Practical Training through the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC Website.
Online Training through the Discipleship Bible School.
Physical training through the Bible School located on the company’s premises at Hartbeesfontein, South Africa.
A tent ministry aimed at practically equipping, activating, and mobilizing people in their hometowns. This project is part of the practical training program but also part of the marketing strategy of the company.
SWOT Analysis Worksheet
Product/ Service Offering:
One of the strengths of the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC is that it has access to people who provides professional, unique, and valuable expertise, resources, and services to the company.
The people who manage the training and practical programs of the company have formed a strong partnership.
Unique services: The only training facility that provides Certificates, and Bachelor’s degrees in its field as well as practical equipping outreaches and ministerial opportunities. The Courses and Programs truly equip and enable the student to go out and fulfill the great commission and to disciple the nations as Jesus Christ and the apostles did. They are practically equipped to perform the same miracles, deliverance, and planting methods of house churches that we see and read about in the book of Acts.
Many people just accept the assumption that the church cannot change and that people will not be willing to change or that people cannot be trained to do and to live as the people in Biblical times did. This assumption sometimes does influence decision-making and actions negatively and should be resisted at all times.
The Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC’s Support Team understands that this weakness is naturally part of the human race and that they have to overcome and resist these weaknesses.
All over the world, people are now more ready than ever to fulfill the great commission as Christ instructed the church to do. The Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC has moved into a strategic position to utilize and exploit this readiness by providing the means to achieve this and to provide the resources and expertise that the world is looking for.
The specific field that the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC has focused on is new ground and some pioneering work needs to be done. This increases the possibility of error. The Support Team is well aware of this and intended to counter this threat as well and as professionally as they can.
Although the training and equipping courses of traditional Bible Colleges are completely different, it does capture a huge portion of the market. The Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC needs to capture those students that could have benefited a lot more from the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC’s training and equipping abilities and practical training programs. The GCR Support Team realizes that a well-organized and very effective marketing program needs to be maintained at all times to counter this threat.
Brand/ Marketing:
The Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC will embark on a marketing strategy which is focusing the attention of people on the life and acts of Jesus Christ and the early church. The marketing strategy is the equipping, activation, and mobilization of the church the way that Jesus Christ and the Apostles did it.
People want to be able to carry out the great commission like Jesus Christ and the apostles did. The marketing program will make potential students aware of the fact that the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC can equip them to do that through its courses and practical training programs.
The Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC does have the staff and the expertise to carry out such a challenging marketing strategy successfully.
The lack of facilities will initially be a weakness when it comes to branding but the tent ministry will counter this weakness to some extend. The partners trust in God and know that He will provide. So the weaknesses of The Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC will become its strength because of faith and trust in the God who called us to activate and mobilize the world.
The partners of The Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC are all well presented online through websites and social media platforms. These platforms will be utilized to create awareness for the vision and goals and services of the company through a well-created marketing video and other marketing strategies.
It will motivate people all over the world to register and book their spots in advance on these websites or through links on these websites and media sharing platforms. The online facilities enable us to generate an income from outside our borders as well.
The practical training schedule which will be followed is discussed in this business report.
A well-managed crowd-funding project is registered on some of the crowd-funding platforms with enough details and links to information that promotes the brand.
As soon as funds are available the company will embark on an advertising campaign which will include utilizing the following methods and media: Online, Print, Radio, Television, and Out-of-home. Marketing will include, a business website (already in place), Social media marketing (already in place), Email marketing, Mobile marketing, Search engine optimization (already in place), Content marketing (already in place), Print marketing materials (brochures, flyers, business cards), Public relations, Trade shows, Networking (already in place), Word-of-mouth, and Referrals.
The GCR Support Team can waste valuable funds and resources on marketing strategies that are not successful and effective enough if they are not watchful.
The partners and directors of the board will be the only official staff employed by the company during the building and implementation phase of the facilities. All other staff will be non-paid volunteers. As already mentioned, the directors are experts in their fields which improves the services and sustainability of the company tremendously.
During the building phase, contractors and temporary workers will be utilized from time to time.
During the tent ministry outreaches, we will have to depend on voluntary assistance from the outside which will not be under the control of the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC. These aspects will have to be monitored and managed as professionally as possible.
The Church Expansion Program which is aimed at helping the organized church leaders to counter the damages caused by COVID-19 and to help them activate a healthy evangelism program in their congregations, allows Global Activation and Mobilization Network to utilize churches and their staff to improve the impact that the tent-ministry will have during the outreaches. This will make things a lot easier and it will advance the kingdom of God.
The Global Activation and Mobilization Network can improve and help the organized church and at the same time advance their own goals and strategies and programs in the process.
Traditionally, the house church movement and the organized church are not involved with each other in any way. If the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC is seen and experienced as a true partner and “friend”, because they assist in a major way to help the organized church, it might change the attitudes of people. This strategy can improve cooperation in the body of Christ tremendously. This has the potential to benefit the company in terms of favor, assistance, and accommodation in many areas, during the tent-ministry outreaches and to advance the kingdom of God.
The harvest is vast and the church of God can benefit and can be advanced greatly if the two groups work together.
Although the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC has a sound and strong business plan and strong self-sustaining potential, an initial cost of R500,000.00 rand is required to get the tent ministry off the ground. As soon as this phase is in place, the potential to meet the financial requirements will improve tremendously.
The marketing strategy, as well as the crowd-funding project, will potentially improve the financial situation of the company, but, the possibility is there that we will have to build in phases and provide the services in phases.
The online Bible School has been in operation for almost two years.
The rest of the physical implementation phases will have to be managed effectively and successfully to ensure that we benefit to the maximum with the implementation of each phase.
Because we are building on a farm, we can utilize building technology that does not need to be approved by the authorities. We will be able to cut costs tremendously by utilizing strong and effective alternative building techniques at a lower cost.
There is the possibility that we may have to postpone the building phases for longer than usual because of the lack of funding. However, the tent-ministry should be a good strategy that could counter this threat successfully, by excelling in fund-raising. This strategy can also be expanded by utilizing more than one tent. The strategy can also be utilized indefinitely as a permanent source of income, even after all the building phases have been completed.
The building phase will be managed by Basie Martins, Riaan Engelberch, and his wife Lynette Engelbrecht, who will be on the building site.
The only weakness in this regard is that the directors on the premises will be responsible for all activities and operations on the site. Initially, no other staff, except for cleaning and maintenance staff, will be appointed until the need for more paid staff becomes critical.
The possibility of utilizing labor through the “Workaway” program and other similar programs, the farming and maintenance, and other services on the site can be done by unpaid staff. This will cut costs tremendously and it will decrease challenges and responsibility and accountability in regards to labor laws, procedures, disciplinary action, and other legal requirements and actions.
Initially, we might not experience any difficulty but when we are in full operation, the farming and other duties on the premises might be too much to handle and we may have to consider employing more permanent staff which will cost more and be more recourse intensive resulting in more labor and management challenges.
The possibilities of specialized services and programs might increase the need for appointing specialized staff.
The Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC has a huge market to exploit. Although we will initially focus on South Africa and the rest of Africa, our market is limitless. We will focus extensively on reaching the people of this world. The Americas, both South and North as well as Europe will be our target market.
The Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC does not have offices in the areas that we will be targeting with our online marketing strategy. To counter this we will have to focus on technology like the internet and social media platforms.
The opportunity is there to source people in areas outside Africa that can assist us to expand our services. The online services are already available to the world but the potential is there to build physical training facilities or to incorporate existing facilities in other areas of the world as well.
Special agents and contacts can be appointed in countries all over the world that can be utilized to extend the reach of the Global Activation and Mobilization Network NPC in ways that are currently not possible.
The biggest threat in this regard is the potential of not reaching the world as effectively as we should. Marketing strategies to counter this threat will have to be investigated extensively. New Marketing Strategies will have to be implemented on an ongoing basis.
Can any of your strengths help with improving your weaknesses or combating your threats? If so, please describe how below:
We have identified the following strategies that will help to overcome some of our weaknesses: The Church Expansion Program which is aimed at helping the organized church leaders to help them activating an effective evangelism program in their congregations, will get an already well-established base on our side resulting in us reaching South Africa more successfully. This will improve the operation, fund-raising opportunities as well as sustainability of the company. It is however important that the organized church is aware of these programs and that they understand the advantages that it holds for them. All parties need to see the benefits and need to be willing to work together.
We are also going to source people in areas outside Africa that can assist us to expand our services. The online services are already available to the world but the potential is there to build physical training facilities or to incorporate existing facilities in other areas of the world as well.
Based on the information above, what are your immediate goals/next steps?
The immediate goals are to get the tent ministry in operation. This will pave the way to achieve all the other goals. In addition to that, we need to implement a successful and exciting marketing strategy. The plan is to have at least 10 x tent ministries in operation all over South Africa to equip people but also to promote the services and resources of the Global Activation and Mobilization Network.
Based on the information above, what are your long-term goals/next steps?
As soon as the above action plans are implemented, we need to finalize the building plans for the expansions, investigate the building techniques thoroughly, investigate farming techniques, and get ourselves ready to carry out the building phases (expansions) and the farming operation successfully.
As soon as enough funds are available, we will have to decide how and when to proceed with the different building phases.
Quality Control:
The directors of the board are all involved in all the training programs and all training sessions and projects. They will be responsible for the quality of the training, both theoretical and practical and they are all responsible and accountable for the maintenance and quality of all training equipment and training aids.
A duty roster and equipment checklist and inventory will be compiled and implemented to organize and manage and maintain all facilities, equipment, and services.
During the start-up phase, the directors will be the sole employees of the company.
When the start-up phase is completed, an official assessment will be carried out to determine the need for permanent employees to be appointed on. These employees are to be sourced, evaluated, and appointed according to the requirements as laid down by labor law. Employees are to be remunerated through a monthly salary as decided by the board.
Temporary staff to be utilized by utilizing the “Workaway” program and other similar programs to cut costs.
Credit policies:
The company will not allow any credit. On registration, all students pay a registration fee equal to the amount of a normal monthly payment. Eleven monthly premiums are to be paid thereafter, starting at the end of January and the last payment to be made at the end of November of the same year. The Bachelor’s degree certificate will not be issued to a student until all outstanding fees are settled in full.
Purchase Information
1. The plan is to obtain 15 million rands to purchase the farm and to complete the initial expansion phases from the start.
2. The farm will be purchased through a once-off payment of 9 million rands.
3. The farm will not be transferred to Global Activation and Mobilization Network until the whole amount (9 million rands) is paid into the bank account of Frank Engelbrecht.
4. Sources of income: Online Bible School, Physical Bible School (Student fees), Income generated through the tent ministries, Income generated through the packaging project (peanuts and purified water), income generated through farming, income generated through the camping facility (church camps, prophetic school, deliverance school, marriage seminars, conferences, etc.), Tuck Shop, and donations).
5. A contract to be compiled by an attorney and to be signed as soon as Frank and Marona have accepted this proposal.