Hi there,
To update yourself as easy and as quickly as possible, take note of the process that you need to follow to become a GCR Activation and Mobilization Network Team Leader or Team Member:
Register yourself on the GCR Sign Up page
Complete and submit the Sign-Up Form on the Sign-Up page. Your application will be reviewed and you will be notified by email whether your application was successful.
Add your marker on the GCR Map page
Follow the instructions on the Activation Teams Resources Map to add your marker. When you have added your marker, it will not be visible until your application has been approved.
Read the GCR Network Progress Update
Please read the information on the July progress update so that you can understand where we are in the process. You will be informed of any progress and changes and arrangements on this page.
Study all Course Material (Courses Category)
When you click on the Courses Category, you will be taken to all the official and mandatory equipping material. From time to time you might be required to complete the assignments at the bottom of the relevant pages or material. To make it easy for you to find and identify the officially prescribed material that you need to cover, we have created the “Study Materials” page.
Read all relevant material (House Church Category)
All material under the House Churches category must be read so that you stay updated with important material. This material is not a requirement and there won’t be any questionnaires that must be completed. Please ignore the material under the Church Expansion Program category. This category is part of a project to help the organized church to deal with the negative impact caused by COVID-19. These resources are not suitable for house churches.
Arrange Activation Outreaches in your area
As soon as you are able and ready to carry out GCR Activation Outreaches, please register the outreaches on the Activation Outreaches Registration page. We want to assist you with the outreaches and we want to make arrangements for people to join your outreaches. Please indicate whether you want the GCR Support Team and/or Teams to oversee the outreach or whether you want to oversee the outreach yourself.
All Team Leaders and Team Members need to take note of the following: Those of you who have registered yourselves with the GCR Activation and Mobilization Activation Network will be utilized when outreaches are requested near your places of residence. Those who have completed the official study materials and the assignments will enjoy preference and they will receive Certificates and Identification Badges because of them giving the GCR Support Team the assurance that they are equipped and ready to oversee outreaches, church planting, and practical activation sessions.
Thank you for your support
GCR Support Team
So, what is this network all about?