Free Equipping Resources – Riaan Engelbrecht

Ps Riaan Engelbrecht from Avishua Ministrys’ calling deals primarily with the prophetic, but he also has a passion to teach the Truth of the Lord Jesus and His Kingdom for only the Truth of the Lord sets us free (John 8:32).

The volumes of work on Amazon are available to order as a print version or as an ebook (Kindle format). Visit his profile page on Amazon at Riaan Engelbrecht

Volumes of work can also be found on other platforms such as
Smashwords, Lulu, Kobo, Barnes and Noble and Scripb.

Volumes of work by the author are as follows (for more information visit the Avishua website):

The Life and Death Series (volumes 1 to 5): Deuteronomy 30 outlines the Offer of Life or Death. In the Old Testament life and death translated into blessings and curses for the Israel nation. Under the Law of Moses, the Lord presented to His people a very simple choice – follow God and live, or disobey God and die. Take note of verse 15: See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. Under the New Covenant, we are either going to follow God and live in abundance – spirit, soul and body – or we are going to choose to allow ourselves to suffer the touch of death. The Life and Death series of five volumes explore in-depth how to walk in God’s divine life, how to guard over such life and to avoid the pitfalls of death that manifest in so many ways, not just physical.

The Life and Death Series consists of the following five volumes of work:

The Narrow Path Volume 1; Pitfalls and Dangers Volume 2; Guarding the Gates Volume 3; The Strategic Battle Volume 4; The Trusted Way to Tread Volume 5

The Study Guide Series (some of them fort part of the Lighthouse Ministries Discipleship School):

Disciple of God Volume 1 and 2; the Holy Spirit; Deliverance; The Prophet of God; Walking in God’s Wisdom; Evangelism; The King’s Will, The King’s Order and the Eternal Kingdom; The Will of God; The God of Law and Oder; Abiding in the Fullness of God; The Kingdom of God; In Pursuit of Holiness; Abandonment, Mortify, Purification

The Apostasy and Apologetic Series:

Restoring the Altar in Days of Apostasy; Bastion of Divine Truth; Taking An Axe to Apostasy; The Church is on the Threshing Floor; Quenching the Spirit – Dangers of Cult-like Authoritarian Churches.

See also
Tent Ministry Outreaches

Prophecies: Move of Glory, Deliverance and Refinement; The Nation, the Church, the Believer; A Collection of Prophetic Thoughts and Teachings

Devotionals: A Deeper Yearning for His Embrace; Seeking a Deeper Life with God; Emmaus Walk with Jesus; Crossroads to Freedom; Greatness of God.

A number of these books can be downloaded on the Avishua Ministries website free of charge. Simply click on Avishua Ministries/books and then click on the Books Tab, and then click on Free Books. Once on the page, you can click on the image of the book cover to download the volume of work.


Riaan Engelbrecht

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